Cloudstaff Academy

Specialist industry training to boost productivity and forge careers.

Illustration of a reading woman with a Cloudstaff light bulb over her head

Cloudstaff provides your business with access to our global talent pool. Select experienced, qualified professionals and plug them into your team to kickstart your next phase of business growth.

Cloudstaff Academy training courses ensure that your offshore staff are prepared to excel, and you’re equipped to manage remote staff as easily as your in-house team.

As an award-winning place to work, we get access to top talent. One of the reasons staff join and stay with Cloudstaff is our focus on professional development. For candidates that could be a great fit for a role but would benefit from additional global experience, we provide access to our Academy Fast Track program – ensuring they have successfully graduated prior to being placed with clients.

In addition to our Fast Track and Specialist Training courses, we provide ongoing Cloudstaff training, including IT security, time management, language skills, and more! By fostering a global career pathway and not just a one-off placement, Cloudstaff has excellent retention rates and a reputation as the #1 employer – enabling us to find expert, hardworking, and loyal staff for our customers.

Illustration of 3 people with a Cloudstaff light bulb over their heads

Cloudstaff Academy

Developed by industry experts and incorporating real-world scenarios and hands-on software user training, Cloudstaff Academy is the surefire way to accelerate your outsourcing success. We offer training programs in accounting, real estate and travel to job seekers, enabling you to select from graduates that can hit the ground running day one. 

Academy Courses

Accounting Certifications

Is your firm’s growth being limited by the global accountant shortage? Cloudstaff can provide talent with experience in Australian and American accounting practices with the practice area experience you need. We also upskill and enhance global career pathways through our Accounting Fast Track program, which enables candidates to earn internationally recognized training credits on accounting practices.

Outsourcing Accreditation

First time outsourcing? Our outsourcing specialists and Client Growth Team are there with you every step of the way. If you’d still like to know more, we got you! Enroll in our Outsourcing Accreditation program where you’ll learn all there is to know about.

Real Estate

Are you worried about the ‘Great Property Manager Resignation’ or just want to increase your sales in a competitive market? Cloudstaff are leaders in finding staff with passion and expertise in Real Estate. Our Real Estate Fast Track program upskills candidates on common industry practices for Property Management and Real Estate Assistants, as well as how to use software such as the industry-standard PropertyMe platform.


In addition to accounting practices training, we know that having staff with expertise in the software your firm already uses saves a lot of additional training time, so we developed specialized training courses for accounting software like Xero, MYOB and Quickbooks to ensure proficiency.


There is a worldwide shortage of staff with experience in using popular industry software systems, such as GDS applications. Cloudstaff is one of the few remote staffing providers that offer travel industry software training, including Sabre, Amadeus, and Galileo.

Training partners

Quickbooks logo
MYOB logo

Specialist training

Need training on specific company requirements or unique software?

Examples of specialist training courses have included US tax accounting, CRM excellence, loan processing, and more. We can create a specialist training course to help your growing team get up to speed. Let us know, and we can set up a training consultation. All training is led by industry experts and focuses on real-world case studies.

Tap into the power of a global talent pool

There’s never been a better time to support your business goals with offshore staff. Beat recruitment challenges by efficiently hiring remote experts.

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Illustration of a man sitting in a chair with his laptop. There are documents floating around.

Speak with a member of our team to find out how we can help.