
A hand pinning a location on earth. It reads "Choosing the right outsourcing location for you."

Deciding on the best outsourcing location, why does it really matter?

The effects of COVID-19 accelerated the digital transformation of businesses globally, with business functions being moved to a top outsourcing location for a more efficient implementation. With the traditional office model being replaced with personal satellite workspaces, what was once the primary roadblock when considering outsourcing has become the norm.  Now outsourcing has become a […]

Deciding on the best outsourcing location, why does it really matter? Read More »

Outside shot - Cloudstaff

Why is location important?

Offices in the Philippines are carefully chosen by the management so as to make it convenient for its employees. At Cloudstaff, location is important. In fact we have six offices in the Philippines. We want to be close to where the staff live. It makes it easier for the staff to commute, it also aids

Why is location important? Read More »