Google Cloud

Google talks to Cloudstaffers about Google Cloud

Cloudstaff has been working in the Cloud for many years, and it is a vital part of the Cloudstaff Platform. The Cloud has allowed us to be more agile and dynamic. Our file stores, libraries, processes, and toolsets all live in the Cloud, and can be securely accessed from just about anywhere.

Cloud technology continues to evolve rapidly, and companies like Google and Amazon are playing a big part in the development of the platforms that allow us to take full advantage of the Cloud.

Because the Cloud is so important to us and to our customers, we make sure we are always up-to-date on industry developments in this area. This includes attending global developer events, doing regular training, and having special guests present at our offices.

This week, Google is going to talk to Cloudstaffers about the latest developments in the Google Cloud platform, VM hosting, load balancing, and resilience solutions. While our development and technical teams benefit greatly from these presentations, they are open to all interested Cloudstaffers.

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